Start a New Business

Our goal is to help residents start a new business in Jonesboro with ease and clairity. Below are some helpful resources. - Employer Identfication Number/Federal Tax ID

When starting a new business, applying for an Employer Identificaiton Number (EIN) is a great place to start. EINs also serve as your business's federal tax ID. To apply for an EIN with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), visit:

geauxBIZ - Louisiana Secretary of State

Taking the steps to start a business are simple. Create a geauxBIZ account online and follow these steps:

  1. Create a Business License Checklist 
  2. File a Name Reservation with the Secretary of State
  3. File with
    • Louisiana Secretary of State
    • Louisiana Department of Revenue
    • Louisiana Workforce Commission
  4. Launch and grow your business

 For more information, visit the Secretary of State's geauxBIZ website.

Jackson Parish Sales and Use Tax Office

To ensure you and your business are complying with requirements for Jackson Parish, you should contact the Jackson Parish Sales and Use Tax Office.

Jackson Parish Sales and Use Tax Office
Nia Evans, Administrator - 318-259-5016
Courthouse Building, 2nd Floor
500 East Court Avenue
Jonesboro, LA 71251

Occupational License - Town of Jonesboro

Once you are ready to start your business and before you can legally operate within the city, you must complete an Occupational License Application and obtain an Occupational License. For more information about Occupational Licenses, visit our Business Permits and Licenses page.


(This page is a work in progress. We are steadily improving the ease to start a business in Jonesboro by implementing the best practices and providing clear and concise information. You patience is appreciated while we update this information.)

The information herein is strictly for informative and educational purposes. The information continained herein should not be assumed as legal advice. When starting a new business, one should seek legal advice from an attorney.